Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ticks: Myths vs. Facts

TICKS: Myths Vs Facts

Disease-carrying ticks pose health risk to both dogs and people, no matter where you live.  The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that ticks in every U.S. state carry diseases and the number of tick-borne diseases are on the rise.  But do you know the myths vs. facts of ticks?

Myth #1: Ticks live in trees, so as long as I don’t live near or visit a wooded area, I don’t have to worry about them.

FACT: Ticks live on the ground no matter the locale, be it an urban park or a rural area. They typically crawl up from grass blades onto a host and migrate upward (which is why they’re often found on the scalp).

Myth #2: The best way to remove a tick is with a lit match,  fingernail polish, or petroleum jelly.

FACT: None of these methods cause the tick to “back out,” and all of them may actually result in the tick depositing more disease carrying saliva into the wound, increasing the risk of infection.

The best way to remove a tick is to grasp it as close to the skin as possible with tweezers and pull the tick’s body out with a steady motion. Wear rubber gloves and clean the skin with soap and water after removal. Dispose of the tick by placing it in alcohol  or flushing it down the toilet

Myth #3: Lyme disease is the only tick-borne disease that ticks can transmit to dogs and humans.

FACT: Lyme disease is the most widely known and common tick disease, but there are many others that ticks carry and can transmit to people and animals. These include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Anaplasmosis (sometimes known as “dog fever”), Ehrlichiosis, and some emerging diseases with potentially devastating effects. 

Myth #4: I don't have to worry about ticks in the winter.

FACT: In most areas of the country, high season for ticks runs from April to November. Experts recommend year-round preventives, however, as infection can occur at any time of the year. In the winter, for example, some tick species move indoors and are in closer contact with pets and people, while others make a type of antifreeze to survive during the winter months.

In Iowa, the most common ticks are the Lonestar Tick, American Dog Tick, and Black-legged Tick.  The Black-legged Tick or deer tick trasmits Lyme disease.  A current Lyme vaccine will protect your dog against Lyme Disease and a monthly tick preventive is an easy way to prevent other tick-borne diseases.  

So are your pets at risk?  Go to DogsAndTicks.com and take the quick assessment to find out what you can do to make sure your pet is protected!


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